ERA-NET Bioenergy Thematic Online Seminar “Highlighting innovative bioenergy research”
The ERA-NET Bioenergy Thematic online Seminar “Highlighting innovative bioenergy research” on January 18th will provide an exciting update on newest research results looking at biological or thermal conversion pathways for bioenergy production. You are invited to learn about the outcomes of European cooperation projects with Austrian, Finnish, Swedish, Swiss, Polish and German partners and get cutting-edge insights into different ways of improving utilisation of biomass and biogas, providing an important contribution to the EU climate and energy targets. ERA-NET Bioenergy Thematic Seminar “Highlighting innovative bioenergy research” on 18 January 2022 09:00 CET, Online Seminar, Free admission LOG IN DETAILS 9:00 AM | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Join from…